In this notebook, I show that decorrelation could help order a pathway. The approach I will take is as follows:
In [1]:
# important stuff:
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import morgan as morgan
import genpy
import gvars
# Graphics
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import rc
rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('text.latex', preamble=r'\usepackage{cmbright}')
rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica']})
# Magic function to make matplotlib inline;
%matplotlib inline
# This enables SVG graphics inline.
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'png', 'retina'}
# JB's favorite Seaborn settings for notebooks
rc = {'lines.linewidth': 2,
'axes.labelsize': 18,
'axes.titlesize': 18,
'axes.facecolor': 'DFDFE5'}
sns.set_context('notebook', rc=rc)
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 16
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 16
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14
In [2]:
genvar = gvars.genvars()
In [4]:
# Specify the genotypes to refer to:
single_mutants = ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'g']
# Specify which genotypes are double mutants
double_mutants = {'a' : 'bd', 'f':'bc'}
# initialize the morgan.hunt object:
thomas = morgan.hunt('target_id', 'b', 'tpm', 'qval')
# input the genmap file:
# add the names of the single mutants
# add the names of the double mutants
thomas.add_double_mutants(['a', 'f'], ['bd', 'bc'])
# set the q-value threshold
# Add the tpm files:
kallisto_loc = '../input/kallisto_all/'
thomas.add_tpm(kallisto_loc, '/kallisto/abundance.tsv', '')
# Make all possible combinations of WT, X
combs = {}
for gene in thomas.genmap.genotype.unique():
if gene != 'wt':
combs[gene] = 'WT_'+gene+'/'
# load all the beta values for each genotype:
sleuth_loc = '../sleuth/kallisto/'
for file in os.listdir("../sleuth/kallisto"):
if file[:4] == 'beta':
letter = file[-5:-4].lower()
thomas.add_beta(sleuth_loc + file, letter)
In [5]:
barbara = morgan.mcclintock('bayesian', thomas, True)
Next, I define some functions that will help me clean up the matrix I just generated with the above command and place it into a tidy dataframe.
In [6]:
def tidy_df(df, corr='corr', morgan_obj=thomas):
A function that returns a tidied up dataframe.
Dataframe provided must be the result of morgan.robust_regression()
or morgan.robust_regression_secondary()
df - dataframe to tidy up
corr - a string indicating whether to use 'corr' or 'outliers'
df - a tidied dataframe with columns 'corr_wit', 'variable',
'fraction' and 'pair'
# make a copy of the df
df = df.copy()
# append a column called corr_with
if 'corr_with' not in df:
df['corr_with'] = morgan_obj.single_mutants
# melt it so that each row has a single correlation
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars='corr_with')
# drop any observations where the correlated letters are the same
df = df[df.corr_with != df.variable]
def calculate_fraction(x, fraction='corr'):
"""Fraction of genes that participate in a given interaction."""
if (x.corr_with, x.variable) in barbara.correlated_genes.keys():
dd = barbara.correlated_genes[(x.corr_with, x.variable)]
outliers = len(dd['outliers'])
corr = len(dd['corr'])
total = outliers + corr
if fraction == 'corr':
return corr/total
return outliers/total
return np.nan
# calculate the fraction of genes participating in any interaction
df['fraction'] = df.apply(calculate_fraction, args=(corr,), axis=1)
# generate a new variable 'pair' that is
df['pair'] = df.variable + df.corr_with
# return the damned thing:
return df
In [7]:
def different(x, d):
Returns an indicator variable if the primary regression
is different in sign from the secondary.
# extract the pair in question:
p = x.pair
# search for the primary interaction in the dataframe
primary = d[(d.pair == p) &
(d.regression == 'primary')].value.values[0]
# search for the secondary
secondary = d[(d.pair == p) &
(d.regression == 'secondary')].value.values[0]
# if the interactions are 0, return 0
if primary == 0 or secondary == 0:
return 0
# if they have the same sign, return -1
elif (primary*secondary > 0):
return -1
# otherwise return 1
return 1
In [8]:
def special_add(x):
If the primary and secondary have the same sign,
returns the addition of both.
# if the current row is a secondary row
# and the primary and secondary rows are the same
# then return np.nan since we will want to ignore
# the secondary correlation
# if they are different in sign, return the current value
if x.regression == 'secondary':
if x.different == -1:
return np.nan
return x.value
# if the regression is primary,
# then add the values if the correlations have the same sign
# otherwise just return the current value:
check = d[(d.regression=='secondary') & \
(d.pair == x.pair)].different.values
if check == -1:
to_add = d[(d.regression=='secondary') &
(d.pair == x.pair)].value.values[0]
return x.value + to_add
return x.value
tidy up the dataframes:
In [9]:
# tidy up the dataframe w/bayesian primary interactions:
d_pos = tidy_df(barbara.robust_slope)
d_pos['regression'] = 'primary'
# tidy up the secondary interactions
d_minus = tidy_df(barbara.secondary_slope, corr='outliers')
d_minus['regression'] = 'secondary'
frames = [d_pos, d_minus]
d = pd.concat(frames)
# identify whether primary and secondary
# interactions have different signs
d['different'] = d.apply(different, args=(d,), axis=1)
# drop any fractions that are NAN
d.dropna(subset=['fraction'], inplace=True)
# calculate corrected coefficients
d['corrected'] = d.apply(special_add, axis=1)
# drop any NAN corrected columns
d.dropna(subset=['corrected'], inplace=True)
# sort the pairs according to functional distance
d['sort_pairs'] =
d.sort('sort_pairs', inplace=True)
# add the labels for plotting:
d['genes'] =
In [10]:
# extract the standard error for each correlation
e_plus = tidy_df(barbara.errors_primary)
# add a sort pairs column
e_plus['sort_pairs'] =
# decode the gene pairs
e_plus['genes'] =
# sort
e_plus.sort('sort_pairs', inplace=True)
# drop nonnumeric values
# repeat for secondary errors
e_minus = tidy_df(barbara.errors_secondary)
e_minus['sort_pairs'] =
e_minus['genes'] =
e_minus.sort('sort_pairs', inplace=True)
In [11]:
# generate a stripplot with all the
sns.stripplot(x='genes', y='corrected',
data=d[d.regression=='primary'], size=15,
color='g', alpha=0.7)
# add errorbars:
# for each xtick and xticklabel
for x, xlabel in zip(plt.gca().get_xticks(),
# get the data
temp = d[d.regression=='primary']
# get the gene ID
f = temp.genes == xlabel.get_text()
# get the error bar gene ID
f2 = e_plus.genes == xlabel.get_text()
# plot the errorbar
ls='none', color='g')
# prettify:
plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=20)
# plt.yticks([-0.1, 0, 0.5], fontsize=20)
plt.axhline(0, lw=2, ls='--', color='gray')
plt.xlabel('Gene Pairs, Ordered By Decreasing Functional Distance', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel('Weighted Correlation', fontsize=20)
# save
Secondary correlations do not seem to have this property. That may be a result of the low number of genes (we should have sequenced deeper) or a result of other things that may be occurring. I don't really know.
In [12]:
# plot secondary interactions
sns.stripplot(x='genes', y='corrected',
data=d[(d.regression=='secondary') &
(d.different == 1)],
size=10, color='k')
# add errorbars:
for x, xlabel in zip(plt.gca().get_xticks(),
temp = d[d.regression=='secondary']
f = temp.genes == xlabel.get_text()
f2 = e_minus.genes == xlabel.get_text()
ls='none', color='k')
# prettify
plt.axhline(0, ls='--', color='0.5')
plt.xticks(rotation=45, fontsize=20)
plt.yticks([-0.1, 0, 0.1], fontsize=20)
plt.axhline(0, lw=2, ls='--', color='gray')
plt.ylabel('Secondary Correlation, Normalized to Overlap')
In [ ]: